Co-grow your coffee
with co.hilo
Become a member and make a tangible contribution to a just way of doing business that focuses on community, cultural exchange, and collective knowledge building.
Why become a member?

You invest directly in building a monthly basic income system for coffee-growing families.
This economic stability allows them to focus on mindful agriculture and, in turn, the preservation of rainforests, biodiversity and soil fertility.

You can enjoy high-quality Colombian single farm coffee at a fair price.
As a member of the cooperative, you rely on a direct relationship with the people who grow your coffee. This guarantees long-term perspectives and constant improvements in quality and sustainability.

You are a co-owner in a solidary and democratically organized form of company.
As a member, you have voting rights, regardless of the number of shares. This way you can help shape and have a direct influence on the development of our cooperative. You can also get involved in various working groups, connect and continue your education.

You are part of an open-hearted and international community.
We organize events together, hold online meetings with farmers and social workers and create space for new encounters, learning together and cultural exchange.
No matter how actively you can participate, every new member contributes
valuable contribution and helps to make our system more stable.
Become a member
It is very simple. The following steps explain how to become a member:

Check out our statute
If you don’t understand something, maybe the FAQ further down the page will help you. Our statutes have been reviewed by the Central Association of Cooperatives and do not contain any special clauses. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us.

Download our membership form and fill it out as follows
Fill in your personal details as a member and enter how many shares you are contributing. You can become a member with a minimum of 1 share (soli membership). In our statute, we ask that all who have the financial means purchase at least 3 shares to build the necessary financial stability for the cooperative. Depending on your preferred method of payment, please provide all information completely and correctly. Don’t forget to sign both pages: for the membership and data privacy.

Send us the membership form
Handwritten or digital and signed to or via mail to co.hilo Kaffeekollektiv eG, Klarastr. 35, 04229 Leipzig.

After we receive your membership form and you transfer the money, we send you the registration confirmation with your membership number.
You are now a member and active part of the co.hilo community.
Cooperative FAQ
In order to create a solid financial basis for the cooperative, the aim is for each member to take on three to five or more shares. In order to allow people with limited financial means to become members, it is still possible to join with only one or two shares.
You can read this below in §4 of our statutes:
§ 4
Share, Obligation to Make Additional Contributions, Entry Fee
(1) The share shall amount to € 100. It must be paid in full immediately.
(2) Members may take up to 200 shares.
(3) The members are not obliged to make additional contributions.
(4) The entrance fee shall be €20. It shall be allocated to the reserves.
(1) Members are entitled to,
a) to use the services of the cooperative in accordance with the provisions made for this purpose,
b) to participate in the General Assembly
c) request, at their own expense, a copy of the annual financial statements, the management report (to the extent required by law) and the report of the Supervisory Board in good time before the adoption of the annual financial statements by the General Assembly,
d) to inspect the summarized result of the report on the audit by the auditing association,
e) to participate in requests by one tenth of the members to convene the General Meeting or to announce items for resolution,
f) to inspect the minutes of the General Assembly; and
g) to inspect the list of members.
(2) The members are obliged
a) to make the prescribed payments on their shares,
b) to promote the interests of the cooperative in every way,
c) to comply with the statutes of the cooperative and to implement the resolutions adopted by the organs of the cooperative,
d) to use the facilities of the cooperative to an appropriate extent, and
e) to notify any change in their address, account details and e-mail address within 14 days.
We also hope that the cooperative will become a platform where all members can contribute their ideas and help shape co.hilo together. Our statutes provide for the formation of working groups that can address a variety of issues. We can name a few things we have needed help with so far, and this may expand in the future:
- Packing packages for shipping;
- Local deliveries in Leipzig;
- Organizing and participating in events;
- Translation of content into different languages (English, German, Spanish);
- Support with specific knowledge (accounting, law, finance, IT);
Economic aspects
There are also detailed regulations in our statutes on the points described above.
§ 6 Termination
The period of notice for termination of membership or individual, voluntary shares is two years to the end of the fiscal year. Notice of termination must be given in writing.
§ 7 Transfer of the credit balance
(1) Each member may at any time by written agreement transfer its share capital in whole or in part to another person and thereby terminate their membership without dispute or reduce the number of its shares, provided that the transferee becomes or is already a member of the cooperative and the share capital to be transferred together with the previous share capital does not exceed the total amount of the shares with which the transferee participates or is permitted to participate.