In the past month we were focused on the preparations for the General Assembly – we had to prepare our first yearly closing, write reports, and prepare the event. It was a great experience, and we felt energized and motivated after that! Now we continue working on sales and on campaigning for more members.
Memberships and Genossenschaft – Current status
Our current status is 72 members, for a total of 220 shares. If you are still considering becoming a member, get in touch! If you know someone who might be interested, share our website with them!
As a reminder, our goal is to reach close to 200 members for a total of 440 shares until the end of 2024.
->> Membership

Sales focus – Coffee for offices!
As we mentioned in our past newsletter, this year we are focusing on coffee for offices. Here we include again the link to our landing page, plus an extra link with sales materials. Here are the main reasons for co.hilo coffee at your office:
- You cater to your employees’ and clients’ well-being;
- You enjoy a high-quality single-farm specialty coffee from Colombia;
- You support our system of monthly incomes for coffee farmers;
- You finance a local cooperative, instead of increasing the profits of multinational corporations;
We have prepared small free sample bags (50g) – a request that came from our members, thanks! – so if you have someone interested, get in touch with us and we will provide them to you!
->> Telegram Channel for new cooperations

General Assembly
18 members joined our first general assembly as a registered cooperative (eingetragene Genossenschaft) on May 5th. We were very happy to welcome everyone, and hope to see more and more faces each time.
All of our members got the full report for the business year 2023, including the yearly closing, and a detailed overview of the current status for year 2024.
One of the main outcomes of the discussion was the demand for easier ways to visualize and show transparently with numbers what makes co.hilo coffee different from others. That’s why we will get back to writing our annual transparency report, which we did for 2019 and 2020.
As always, thank you for your trust and support.

Past & Upcoming events
Last summer, we worked intensively on events, and barely had a free weekend in between June and August. This year, we will focus our efforts on sales of office coffee, so that we can increase our revenue, and join only a few events. One of those was the community breakfast at the Taborkirche, which happened on May 4th.

The next two events that we will join this summer will be:
August 10th – KoLa Hoffest
KoLa Leipzig, a cooperative for the production of organic fruits and vegetables, started at the Social Impact Lab Leipzig (Incubator for social businesses) around the same time that we were there – 2018/19 –, we have known each other for a few years, and have learned a lot from them. Since Philipp also works with them, this year we have the opportunity to have a coffee stand at their Hoffest – and we are really excited about it. We would be happy to see you there, and if you would like to help in the preparation and at the stand, please reach out to us. Here is the website with the information from KoLa:
->> KoLa Events
August 24th/25th – Co-Up Festival
Co-Up? Sounds like a perfect match with co.hilo, right? :P On that weekend, two of our team members celebrate their birthdays – Melissa and Tiago! We will celebrate co.hilo style with a nice event, joining other sustainable initiatives from Leipzig. Here we also would like to count on your participation and support! More information on the website:
->> Denkmal Sozial
You can stay up to date with our events and activities by joining the Telegram Channel.